Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Long Time Passing!!

I know I am terrible with my blog!!! Shaun and I have been keeping busy...we had our annual Halloween party Nov. 1, we went to Minnesota to visit our friends Shawn, Ken and Austin and saw my favorite band Coldplay!! It was nice to get away!! Shaun and I are going to Florida in January for 5 days, which I am pretty excited for...he is going to play in a tournament and I get to go and relax:) Thanksgiving was wonderful as always....my mother and mother-in-law out did themselves as usual! My brother bought a house in September so he hosted Thanksgiving, but the moms cooked:) I recently excepted the position of Girls Head Varsity Soccer Coach at Ashwaubenon High School... I am pretty excited! That will be team number 3 for me!!! I need to have kids so I can retire:) I hope everyone is doing well!! Miss you all!!

Below find some pics from our Halloween party and Coldplay.

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